Who we Are
The Philippine Suzuki Association (PSA) is a non-profit organization which aims to foster, promote and advance the understanding and teaching of the philosophy and methodology of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. It organizes teacher training, camps, concerts, student workshops and master classes that not only raise the level of instrumental instruction but also bring together teachers, students and parents in the common goal of building children’s character through music.
Dr. Shinichi Suzuki (1898-1998) was a Japanese violinist and pedagogue who was amazed by the ability of very young children to learn to speak a language all by themselves, without any kind of formal instruction. He considered this as “talent” or the amazing ability that very young children have to be able to learn a language. He believed this ability could be applied to music, that everyone had talent and that this talent could be developed; thus the term “talent education”.
The PSA was incorporated in 1998 and at present has over 200 students, parents and teachers as members. It holds yearly teacher training in piano, violin, cello and guitar. It organizes a yearly National Graduation Concert showcasing all the children who have finished a book level in a particular year, and a National Camp which brings together children and local and international faculty in a joyous week of lessons, recitals and master classes. In July 2018 it organized the 7th Asia Suzuki Regional Conference held in Taguig City with about 600 participants from the Philippines and Asia.
Our History
In 1977, upon the recommendation of her mentor, Sr. Marie Vincent Llamzon, Prof. Carmencita G. Arambulo took her first Suzuki Method training with Doris Koppelman in San Diego. In 1981, she attended the 5th International Suzuki Teachers’ Conference In Amherst, Massachusetts as the lone Philippine delegate. There she met Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, his wife Waltraud and Madame Haruko Kataoka. She decided to take intensive training at the American Suzuki Institute in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, studying with Haruko Kataoka, Lorraine Landefeld and Yasuko Joichi. She then started to apply the method in her school, Greenhills Music Studio. In 1981, introductory workshops in the Suzuki Method were given to teachers and students by Paul and Lorraine Landefeld in several locations in the Philippines.
In 1992, the International Suzuki Association (ISA) recognized the Philippine Suzuki Association (PSA) as a country association member of the ISA under the jurisdiction of the Suzuki Talent Education Association of Australia (NSW) which headed the Pan-Pacific Region at the time. Prof. Arambulo was appointed as country representative.
In 1998, the PSA was incorporated at the SEC and in 1999, it began to organize recitals, camps, outreach programs and teacher and student workshops. In 2001, Prof. Arambulo, the designated official Suzuki Teacher Trainer in the Philippines, organized a piano teacher training workshop at Greenhills Music Studio, and has been holding teacher training there yearly.
In 1983, a small Philippine delegation of 8 piano students, 3 parents and 5 teachers attended the 6th Suzuki Method International Conference in Matsumoto, Japan. Two Filipino piano teachers stayed behind in Japan to train in the method.
In 2002, the Asia Suzuki Association (ASA) was formed as the regional organization for all Asian countries except Japan, which has its own organization. The founding members of ASA were Korea, the Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan.
In 2003, Yasuki Nakamura began a violin teacher training program at Greenhills Music Studio, held simultaneously with a camp for students. In May 2007, the PSA hosted the 3rd Asia Suzuki Conference at La Salle Greenhills.
In July 2014, the ASA was dissolved, and the ISA was directly involved in reorganizing the association into the present Asia Region Suzuki Association (ARSA) by May 2017.
In July 2018, the PSA hosted the 7th Asia Region Suzuki Conference entitled “Art to Heart: Nurturing Children’s Hearts Through Music” at the Treston International College, Taguig City, with 20 foreign and local faculty in piano, violin, cello and guitar, 5 major concerts and 600 students, teachers and parents from all over the Philippines and Southeast Asia.


Carolyn Cheng

Homer Ilao

Amber Murillo-de la Torre

Geraldine Sales

Carmencita Arambulo
Board members

Aera Apalat

Roselle Bantilan

Nerilyn Beratio

Patrick Garcia

Herrick Ortiz

Leilani Gay Rilloma

Anna Janine Samaniego